On starting the conversation in this business was itself a challenge for us because they were used to of this legacy system so much, that any change in the process was scary and forcing them to come out from their comport zone.
Easy Recovery is a solution which provide a common platform to all the banks, NBFC and their authorized repossession agencies. The vehicle repossession business is a segment in India facing many challenges, which makes the execution a bit difficult. Surprisingly, the business owners were themselves not aware that having technology into the system can make their job easy and way more effective.
Web Development Technologies :-
NET core, EF Core, Micro-service based architecture, MS SQL, HangeFire Jobs, SingalR, Angular JS, Jquery
JavaScript Search Infrastructure :-
Elastic Search, Kibana, Logstash
Mobile Development Technologies :-
React-Native, Android, IOS, Docker, Docker-Compose, Nginx,
Servers :-
Aws M Series
We offer you with the best data analytical features like never before track all the activities of your registered agents with App.
We provide you with the detailed dashboard to have the track access of all the user activity.
Make you own invoice of the vehicle recovery with us.
Sync once and work without even internet connection turned on.
Easy Recovery started having this conversation with the business owner and slowly we were able to make them understand that having a system like Easy Recovery can make their life easy and business more profitable.
Whether you're a start-up with a new idea or an established business looking to scale-up get in touch today to speak to our team of experts.